• Our Española branch is now closed as we prepare to open our new location. In the meantime, members can visit any other GCU branch or use shared branching at Zia Credit Union (707 Riverside Dr., Española). For updates, visit guadalupecu.org/newbranch.
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2023 Board of Directors

The Board of Director’s job is to set direction and control the credit union. The Board is legally accountable for the actions of the credit union. They ensure the long-range security and viability of the credit union by overseeing its operations and planning for its future. Their goal is to make decisions in the best interest of the credit union and its entire membership.

2023 Supervisory Committee

The Supervisory Committee’s job is to ensure ongoing reviews and audits are conducted to make sure the credit union’s records are maintained properly, honestly, and accurately; that policies established by law and by the board of directors are carried out faithfully; and that member’s assets are safeguarded and used according to the purposes of the credit union.


If a member has concerns that are not resolved with the staff regarding the handling of their account or transactions they are encouraged to contact the Supervisory Committee at:

P.O. Box 6117
Santa Fe, NM


Get Involved

Any member in good standing, age 18 or over, is eligible to run for a position on the Board of Directors or Supervisory Committee.
The Nominating Committee is always interested in hearing from potential candidates.

If you would like to learn more about becoming a volunteer with Guadalupe Credit Union, please 

Contact Us


Voting Rights

That’s right! Members have the power to elect the volunteer Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee, who oversee the credit union and make decisions about how things are run. Elections are held at the Annual Meeting.

Every member gets one vote, regardless of how much money is in their account. (Primary members only - sorry, joint owners are not eligible to vote unless they have another account in their own name.)

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Guadalupe Credit Union
3601 Mimbres Lane
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507
Routing Number: 307084347
Federally Insured by NCUA
Equal Housing Opportunity
NMLS # 709308
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