• Our Española branch is now closed as we prepare to open our new location. In the meantime, members can visit any other GCU branch or use shared branching at Zia Credit Union (707 Riverside Dr., Española). For updates, visit guadalupecu.org/newbranch.
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76th Annual Meeting & Elections

Join Us and Be Part of the Decision-Making Process


Please join Guadalupe Credit Union for our 76th Annual Meeting on Sunday, October 6, 2024.

          Santa Maria de la Paz Parish Hall
          11 College Avenue, Santa Fe
          Starting this year at 11:30am


You’ll have the opportunity to hear about the highlights and challenges of the past year, as well as learn about all the exciting things happening. We'll have music, food, and raffle prizes. We look forward to seeing you there!

GCU Volunteers at our 2023 Annual Meeting

Introducing your 2024 Candidates


For the two (2) open positions on the Board of Directors:

  • Bryan Maestas (seeking re-election)
  • Anayensi Olivas 
  • Linda Medina (seeking re-election)

For the two (2) open positions on the Supervisory Committee:

  • Alice Valdez (seeking re-election)
  • Hazeldine Romero (seeking re-election)

Your Voice Matters

Make your voice heard! As a Guadalupe Credit Union member, you have the ability to choose your representatives. It is important to use your voting rights to elect the volunteers who will serve on the Credit Union's Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee. These representatives oversee the Credit Union and make decisions about how things are run. Every member* gets one vote, and your vote counts. Be a part of the democratic process and help shape the future of your credit union.


Voting Information

Early voting will take place at all of our branches, as well as by mail, from September 23 to October 4. For in-branch voting, the primary account holder can visit any branch to cast their vote for both the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee.

For voting by mail, or for additional information, the primary account holder must request a ballot by emailing Robert Moya at rmoya@guadalupecu.org, or by calling him at 505-216-0470.

Voting will also be available at the Annual Meeting on October 6, so if you missed early voting, you can cast your vote there.


*Voting Requirements: In order to be eligible to vote, you must be over the age of 18 at the date of the election, in good standing (no delinquencies, overdrafts, excluding courtesy pay, or charge-offs), AND the primary account owner. No joint owners are eligible to vote.

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Guadalupe Credit Union
3601 Mimbres Lane
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507
Routing Number: 307084347
Federally Insured by NCUA
Equal Housing Opportunity
NMLS # 709308
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